WRITE & WRONGED It's every artist's wish is to be recognized, acknowledged by their peers and maybe even to get a write up in a magazine that is devoted to the medium/s in which they work. [ I have had more than a few and eventually they will all go on this page...] Well I'm no different, it's nice to be noticed, but you can't and shouldn't believe everything you read, just because its been printed doesn't mean it's true. I've been misquoted everywhere from the Sunday LA Times to the County Shopper in Syracuse N.Y.. I've had/done some great interviews that were taken completely out of context at the editing stage and there's only so much latitude I can give to artistic license...
To read any of these pages just click on the particular page, it will open the page up in a new browser that's large enough to read.
Never think out loud...
I gave this interview in Oct. '08, and was considering a position that had just been offered, wasn't a 100% on it but leaning... it was a great offer.
A week or so later I wrote to send images for the spread and asked him "to please omit anything pertaining to a possible move" since nothing was finalized, and was assured that it would be left out. Even a month later when when I saw him again in Dublin again asking 'to please omit anything pertaining to a possible move' and was again assured that I had nothing to worry about...
I may move abroad someday, so I can indulge myself in painting but that's a long way off...
I do like the cover though... she's Hot
It's still a write up... Not that I'm not grateful, but they hardly used the images that I provided and filled it with words, like I have anything important to say. People want to see images...
I live and learn...
Scandinavian Tattoo Magazine #40 - 2005 I can't say anything negative about this write up as I don't speak either Danish or Swedish and that's all they print it in. I was honored to do the interview given my Nordic Heritage and my Grandfather got to see it, and I am sorry that neither of my parents ever bothered to learn their parents native languages...
notice more photos than type, in any language - people just want to see pictures...