I work at EN'VIE INK 174 East 2nd Street New York, N.Y. 10009 212-780-5769 www.myspace.com/envieink It's located in the East Village, a half block east of Avenue A.
My days are Thurdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays... for now. So stop by or call the shop for more information.
If you'd like to set up an appointment with me and you know what you'd like to do please contact the shop, they take care of the schedule and know what's available. If you have other questions or concerns about what you'd like me to do then write me here CONTACT-BRET Since I'm not always available for face to face consultations, it's best to write me to discuss the work intended.
GENERAL INFORMATION How I work... I work by the hour but also can price work by the piece. I prefer to do work that is complex and find it more enjoyable as well. I think outside of the box and like to reflect that in my work.
I usually work by Appointment due to the nature of what I do, but can accomodate walk'ins when and if time permits. All Appointments require a deposit that is Non-Refund able & Non-Transferable. Deposits go toward the overall final pricing of the work and if the work requires more than one session it is suggested to leave said deposit till the last session, otherwise every appointment will require another deposit.
I also have a Day Rate which is quite cost effective for those looking to get allot done in one session. It is basically what ever I can accomplish in an 8 hour period on One Client, and I try to avoid unnecessary interruptions to optimize the time.
It is not always possible to work with stencils and a great deal of my work needs to be Free-Handed. Free-Handing just means that I draw it on before execution of work. I draw things very quickly. I prefer to have what ever source material is required at least 48 hours before any said appointment so I can work up whatever is necessary to be ready for the appointment.
And when last minute changes are made by the client charges will be incurred. I can't count the number of times clients were booked for a specific design and showed up with all new source material or changed the concept completely - I realize that it's forever and we have one chance to do it right, but time is a valuable commodity I can't afford to waste. So please, be sure of everything when making an appointment.
On Cover-ups Not exactly my favorite thing to do, but I do it very well, it will only be by the hour and final pricing is determined by how much work is required to effectively cover old work. Covering up old or bad work isn't as easy as it seems, it requires allot more of my time and energy than fresh skin. Layering the work in a few sessions is my preferred method.
Over the years I have amassed quite a number of images either drawn up by myself or that I've found that would make great Body Art. I am serious about rendering these images in the skin and am always thinking outside of the box in terms of this medium.
My favorite things to do are Portraits, color or black & gray, recreating works of fine art in the skin, anything that is photo-realistic like pin-ups, animals, floral and such, and sick evil twisted & demoniacal themed.